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Michel Malo

The work of Professor Malo focuses on the geology of the Appalachians (stratigraphy, structure, tectonics) and structural geology (fracture and faults and their relation with mineralization). His applied work focuses on the study of ore deposits in sedimentary environments and on the analysis of the petroleum systems in Quebec. Seismic reflection, 3D modeling, geochronology, and mineral and organic geochemistry are the tools used by Professor Malo and his team in various research projects. His most recent work focuses on the analysis of potential CO2 reservoir storage in sedimentary basins of the province of Quebec and on the characterization of deep geothermal resources.

Department : Centre Eau Terre Environnement

Institute : Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS-ETE)


Jasmin Raymond

Dr. Raymond is a hydrogeologist and he teaches geothermal energy basics at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique in Quebec City. He obtained his Ph.D. at Laval University and a B.Sc. at McGill University. During his young career, he has received numerous awards such as a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. He currently holds a research chair from the Institut nordique du Québec to investigate the geothermal potential of northern communities and mines in addition to be coleader of an international research group on geothermal energy supported by UNESCO. Highly involved in the scientific community, he participates in a task group of the Canadian Standard Association on geothermal heat pumps and the geothermal advisory committee of Geoscience BC. He has coauthored a report from the Geological Survey of Canada on the geothermal potential of the country and has been awarded the Canadian Geotechnical Society Colloquium to complete a Canadian lecture tour during 2016-2017Interested in geothermal energy, Professor Jasmin Raymond is conducting research work on low to medium temperature resources, including heat pump systems. The main objective of his projects, done in collaboration with geothermal designers, operators and manufacturers, is to improve the efficiency and profitability of the systems by providing scientific and technological innovations. Field testing and numerical modeling are his main research activities.

Department : Centre - Eau Terre Environnement

Institute : Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS-ETE)  Information:

Jacqueline López Sánchez

Jacqueline Lopez has an extensive career in geology, with a deep knowledge of the geological context of Colombia and a wide experience of fieldwork: collecting rock and water samples, identification of faults based on morphological and structural analysis, mesoscopic characterization of rocks, and geological mapping. Furthermore, she has a long experience with bioengineering techniques for erosion control. She is the leader of fieldwork activities conducted in Colombia, in the region of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, which is the Colombian study area considered in this project. Jacqueline Lopez has been working on geothermal resources since 2014, supervising undergraduate students of the Environmental Engineering Programme of the Universidad de Medellín.

Department : Environmental engineering

Institute: Universidad de Medellín (UdeM)


Chrystel Dezayes

Chrystel Dezayes is a researcher at the French Geological Survey (BRGM) in the Geothermal Energy Department. Since her PhD in 1995, she is working about fracture network characterisation at the Soultz-sous-Forêts EGS site and elsewhere in the world. She is project leader for deep geothermal sites exploration and scientific coordinator for the geothermal energy at BRGM. She has authored and co-authored about 20 articles in scientific journals and numerous others in international conferences.

Department : Georesources Division, Geothermal Energy Department

Institute : BRGM


Pascal Goderniaux

Pascal Goderniaux is Professor in the Geology and Applied Geology Unit in the Engineering Faculty of University of Mons (Belgium). Pascal Goderniaux is working on applied hydrogeology and groundwater resources research topics, considered at different scales. In particular, Pascal Goderniaux is doing research relating to the characterization and modelling of deep geothermal limestone reservoirs. He is studying the coupling between climate models and catchment-scale surface-groundwater models with a focus on impact and uncertainty evaluation. He works on the characterization and modelling of groundwater quantity and quality problems at regional and catchment scales. He performs and studies the characterization of fractured or porous aquifer using in-situ experiments such as solute and heat tracer tests, classical pumping tests, cyclic pumping/injection tests, hydraulic tomographies. The main teaching activities of Pascal Goderniaux are related to general and applied hydrogeology, modelling of groundwater flow and solute transport in subsurface rock reservoirs, projects in environment, characterization of contaminated sites. He is teaching to undergraduated (bachelor) and graduated (master) civil engineering students in 'Geology and Mining' and 'Architecture' and ‘Chemistry’.

Department : Geology and Applied Geology

Institute : University of Mons  Information:

Daniela Blessent

D. Blessent has been working on numerical modeling in hydrogeology since 2005, with focus on fractured porous media and coupling between geological and numerical models. She got her PhD degree in the Université Laval (Québec), worked at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (Qúebec) from 2010 to 2013. She then started working as now full-time professor at the Universidad de Medellín, where she is leading research projects about characterization and modeling of geothermal resources, groundwater flow at watershed scale, as well coupled surface-subsurface water flow. D. Blessent has been working on geothermal resources since 2014, supervising undergraduate and graduate students and fostering international collaborations between Universidad de Medellin and institutions abroad. Since 2016 she is Associate Editor of the Hydrogeology Journal.

Department : Environmental Engineering

Institute: Universidad de Medellín (UdeM)


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